Monday, December 3, 2018

Cover Template

       For the title page template, we used word art for the title and the slogan for the magazine. Erik chose the fonts for this age while I created the temple and setup for the information. The font for the title is Trajan Pro 3 in size 36 font and in bold and says, "Sarasota Sportsman."The tite was based off of a very popular fishing magazine named Florida Sportsman.  The reason we chose this font was because it is sharp but not too sharp which helps create an outdoors feel. For the slogan we used consolas in size 20 font. The slogan says, "Sarasota's Best Informational Fishing Magazine." This is a muted and curvy font to offset the sharp title font. For the sub headings we used Tekton Pro Ext because it is soft and easy to read. This allows the audience to have an idea for the main articles.

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