Friday, April 19, 2019

Final Submission

   Between third quarter and my final submission I made a couple of more revisions. The first revision I made was corresponding my page numbers with what my flat plan said. The page numbers now match. On the title page I removed the page number because there is usually no page number on the title mage. Another revision I made is to take the abbreviation of page, pg, off of my table of contents. Doing this makes it look more professional and conventional. I also added a text box saying, "Tips&Tricks," on the title page to fill the page more and add more content. The last thing I did is centering the branding at the bottom of my magazine on the title page, table of contents, and the article pages.

Creative Critical Reflection

Friday, April 12, 2019

CCR Draft #4

How did you integrate technologies in this product?

        In my magazine, I integrated technologies in many ways. The first way I used technologies in my magazine is by learning how to use publisher. To make my magazine I used publisher and before producing this magazine, I had never used it before. I learned how to add pictures and text, move and crop pictures, and create a publication.  The process of learning how to use the program took a while but was worth the wait. Without this technology I wouldn't be able to compose the magazine. Also I used an IPhone 6+ to take my photos. The phone is a little old but the pictures cam out fine. I didn't have a very nice camera to use to take photos so I ad to use my phone. Without this technology I would not have been able to produce the pictures used in the magazine.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

CCR Draft #3

How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

          While developing my magazine, I developed many skills involving production. To start, by studying magazines, I learned how specific the layouts and making of magazine actually is. In the production of the magazine, I learned how detailed the photos and articles had to be. I relied on myself to do all of the work and teach myself while making my magazine. I had to plan out the photo shoots and obtain the objects I needed for the photos. This was a long process that took days and patience because some days I couldn't catch fish for the photos. I learned to compose the magazine and how each page had different aspects needed. The title page had sub headings to show the reader featured articles which I learned how to do through researching my magazines.


Monday, April 8, 2019

CCR Draft #2

  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

           My magazine engages with audiences in many ways. My magazine engages with the audience first by putting ourselves in the audiences shoes. We do this by having articles that will help them in an abundance of ways. Also my magazine demonstrates that we understand the audience's experience with fishing and we help them become better. Another way my magazine engages with the audience is by creating a booth or pop-up shop at an event, social media accounts, and sponsoring and being involved with things related to the topic of the magazine such as fishing tournaments. My magazine will attend events to hand out promotional flyers and coupons which lets us directly engage with the audience face to face. With the social media accounts, such as the twitter page, the audience will be able to have conversations with us no matter where they live. This will create a warming feel for the audience knowing they can talk directly to the magazine. My magazine will sponsor and become involved in things such as fishing tournaments and fishing expos to market our name and get more exposure.

CCR Draft #1

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

              My magazine uses and challenges the conventions of the genre it is about I many ways. In my magazine, one of the ways I used conventions of a magazine is by putting a subheading under the title. This subheading was present in all of the magazine's that I had researched. What the subheading does is allow the audience to have an idea of what the magazine is about with having to open the first page. This helps greatly with new readers because of the fact that they have never read it before. In addition, I also used a convention most fishing magazines use which is having a massive fish on the cover of the magazine. Depending on the type of magazine, different types of fish will be on the cover but making sure the fish is a trophy catch is the best thing to do. By doing this, the magazine is able to catch the audience's eye and make them want to pick up your magazine and read it even more. One thing that fishing magazines make sure to do with their articles is make sure they contain specific content. This content has to be something that inexperienced fishermen can stay interested in and that they can apply to their fishing. My article lets the reader know what to do when fishing which will keep them coming back to learn more. Also, this magazine represents a popular social group. This social group is fishermen that are trying to learn more about fishing and become better at fishing. This is shown by the abundance of tips and tricks presented throughout the magazine and the pictures containing trophy bass. The tips and important info show that the point of the magazine is to teach the audience, which happens to be this social group. The pictures are shown to show the audience what they are trying to catch once they get more experience with fishing.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Third Quarter Submission

   For my third quarter submission I made a lot of changes to my magazine. These changes include brightening up the pictures, adding branding to market my magazine more efficiently, and removing the white border that was placed on accident from the title page. I am sure I will learn more about magazine production and make more changes but this is my quarter three submission.