Monday, February 11, 2019

Target Audience/Marketing Research #1 - In Fisherman

    The magazine In Fisherman has a very similar target audience to my magazine. They target 90% males and 10% women . This is usually from 35-55. The class they are targeting is middle class. More than 65% of people reading this magazine age married and graduated college also. This is because these are people that are interested in fishing and need all the tips they can get to catch those big fish. How this is similar to my target audience is the class and age. My magazine targets middle class and mid ages just like this magazine.

   In Fisherman is one of the best in the industry at marketing. In-Fisherman was the first media brand to embrace a multi-media strategy, with television, print and web exposure. They also have the largest magazine audience of any other freshwater fishing magazine. In Fisherman has a print version, digital version, and even an In Fisherman TV show on the Sportsman channel, a TV channel in the conglomerate they belong to. The TV station is owned by the parent company so In Fisherman runs ads for their magazine on commercial breaks. Also In Fisherman attends events such as ICAST, Sportsman Channel Outdoor Fest, and Florida Sportsman Expo to market their magazine. They hand out free samples and subscriptions at booths to get their magazine more exposure.

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