Monday, February 11, 2019

Target Audience/Marketing Research #2- Bass Master

    Bass Master magazine's target audience is also very similar to mine. Their main audience is males which is 82% of the it. The average age for someone reading the magazine is 42 years of age. The average annual household income is 62,000 so this magazine is purchased by mostly middle class families. Of the readers, 63% are married. This shows that this magazine will have a similar target audience to my magazine which is middle class and males.

    Bass Master magazine is one of the best at marketing their product. Similar to the In Fisherman magazine, Bass Master appears at events such as the Bass Master Classic Expo. They show up to events like this to give samples and to spread the word about the magazine they have for sale. Also this magazine is strongly involved in one of the biggest fishing tournaments of the year, the Bassmaster Classic. The magazine is advertised throughout the whole tournament whether its print ads or televised ones on commercial breaks, the magazine gets plenty exposure. Bass Master also has a twitter account with 130k followers where they do most of their social media marketing. Their tweets also get retweeted by other fishing and outdoors accounts which will allow their audience to grow rapidly.

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